Saturday, 25 February 2006

Assets Audits of the Asquith group Asia, Tokyo Japan

Investment Audits

In today’s dynamic and fast-changing world, people need to become more concerned about how to handle their private finances and plan for the future of their estate. The Asquith Group will devote sufficient time to apprehend your personal and estate’s present retirement finances and help in building a complete strategy for achieving your goals. Through gaining a comprehensive perspective of your entire personal history, values and aspirations alone can we conceive a viable and responsive plan for you.

Life Insurance Audits

The Asquith Group also undertakes regular objective performance audits of your life insurance not more than three years after the latest. This is to make sure your current policy is consistent with your ongoing needs. We can provide an evaluation of your policy whether it is only starting or has been active for years, making sure our expertise will sufficiently safeguard your assets and, more importantly, pinpoint opportunities for significant savings.

For Employers

Hiring and Keeping Excellent Employees through Offering an Attractive Retirement Benefits Plan

Being the principal author of the plan, you possess the fiduciary role of establishing the most prudent solutions for whatever issues and advantages will affect the plan and your workers’ welfare. Whether you have a large company or a small business operation, The Asquith Group can provide the professional knowhow to guide you through the complexities you will encounter along the way to seeing the big picture of your retirement panorama.

A fundamental requirement for developing a viable retirement strategy is to tailor-fit it to address the unique requirements and demands of your firm and organization. We will act as your alter ego who will see to it that an efficient retirement strategy will satisfy all needs of the operations and guide any crucial decision along the way. As such, both your people and your company will benefit from the plan. Working together with The Asquith Group, you as the prime-mover will hold the main wheel of the fiduciary direction. Being the sponsor of the plan, you can utilize your Retirement Plan to enhance operational efficiency and improve employee greater participation in their personal retirement needs.

The Asquith Group provides:

· Bespoke, unbundled plans with clear, detailed schedules of payments and services.
· Improvement and fine-tuning of current and new plan concept.
· Comprehensive evaluation of current plans.
· Individual investors --- Retirement Plan Rollovers.
· Profit-Sharing schemes and Deferred Compensation packages.
· And other various specialized and personalized alternatives to address each employer’s retirement plan requirements.

Wednesday, 15 February 2006

The Asquith Group Asia, Tokyo Japan on Retirement

The Asquith Group Asia, Tokyo Japan on Retirement

The Asquith Group works diligently to achieve our clients' financial objectives.

The Asquith Group is committed to always protect your investment and to keep your trust.

The company collaborates with you to develop your own personalized investment profile which includes your vision, goals, risk capacity level and specialized needs.

You can either wait for your lucky stars to shine or make the right steps to prepare for a stable retirement life. No one need worry or wonder about what the future will bring in your financial condition. With the assistance of The Asquith Group, the most suited investment plan will set you on the path toward your personal vision of your best years ever.

Friday, 10 February 2006

Investment Procedure of the Asquith Group Asia, Tokyo Japan

The Asquith Group offers Registered Investment Advisory service on fee-only basis; hence, we do not charge commission for our financial services, in contrast to insurance agents, securities-sales practitioners and wire-house brokers. Our investment counsellors sit beside our clients during meetings to remove any appearance of threat that every decision they make will entail a monetary exposure. Obviously, no one will gain any benefit in promoting anything that brings no benefit. Having a fee-only partner working with the client, you only pay for investment advice, not commissions based on investments bought or sold.

Among the clients The Asquith Group serves are endowments, foundations, corporations and high net-value investors. Moreover, as a policy, The Asquith Group is committed to concentrate on the administration of individual and corporate retirement strategies.

Our investment method can be best referred to as a balanced investment global value. Balanced, since it involves combining equities, fixed income and cash assets. Global, because it includes international securities. And Value has to do with an equity selection process which emulates the traditional approach, focusing on top-of-the-line firms valued accurately according to earnings and book values.

Professional and up-to-date systems are used to monitor client portfolios, allowing The Asquith Group to monitor any significant changes in client holdings. Focus is made on any corporate development that may negatively affect the company's financial status. The Asquith Group adheres to the principle that price/earnings level fluctuations signify an overvalued equity. Quality and valuation changes often point to the direction of selling a stock. Moreover, we recommend that mutual funds, exchange traded funds, and closed-end funds be considered as niche investment options, especially when they are appropriate for the client concerned.